How Many Days Curd Can Be Stored in Fridge? Learn about the shelf life of curd and storage tips to keep it fresh longer.

How Many Days Curd Can Be Stored in Fridge

Key Points

  • The article discusses about how many days curd can be stored in fridge to maintain its freshness and health benefits.
  • Curd contains beneficial bacteria that aid digestion and taste. Storing curd incorrectly can lead to the growth of harmful bacteria, spoiling its taste and causing illness.
  • Factors influencing curd shelf life include type, quality of ingredients, temperature, and packaging.
  • Proper storage in a sealed container in the fridge extends freshness for about two weeks.
  • Without refrigeration, curd lasts only 24-48 hours due to room temperature fluctuations.
  • Spoiled curd exhibits changes in smell, texture, appearance, and taste, indicating it’s no longer safe to consume.

We all love curds, right? Which is also known as dahi. We love curd just not for It is tasty, but it is also very good for our health as it contains healthy probiotics. But just like any other food, it matters a lot on how we store it. In this article I will cover everything you need to know about how many days curd can be stored in the fridge. And also give you tips on how to store curd in the right way to keep that fresh and tasty for a long time.

Why Storing Curd Right is So Important

Curd (Dahi) is made through the process of fermentation. That means it is full of live good bacteria like Lactobacillus. These good bacterias give it that special taste and texture we love and can even help our tummies stay happy. But, if you don’t store it in the right way, bad bacteria can grow too fast in the curd. That bad bacterias makes it go bad quicker. This doesn’t just spoil the flavor and texture of your curd (dahi), but it could also make you sick.

By storing curd properly, you can:

Keeping Food Fresh: Make your food last longer by preserving it well, which helps in reducing wasted food.

Enjoying Fresh Taste: When your curd stays fresh, it tastes better in all your dishes, adding to their deliciousness.

Getting Healthy: By having curd with live and active cultures, you get all the good stuff that helps keep you healthy.

Also Read: Eating Curd at Night is Good or Bad? Discover Pros & Cons and Best Time

Factors Affecting Curd Storage Time

The freshness of your curd depends on a few things:

Different types of curd last different amounts of time. Sweet curd doesn’t last as long as sour curd because of the way it’s made.

The quality of the milk and the stuff used to start the curd affect how long it stays good. Using fresh, good-quality ingredients makes it last longer.

The temperature where you keep your curd makes a big difference. Cold temperatures keep it fresh longer, while warm temperatures make it spoil faster.

How you package your curd matters too. If you seal it up tight, it stays fresher because less air gets in.

Some curds have extra stuff added to make them last longer. But usually, it’s better to go for curd with fewer additives for health reasons.

How Many Days Curd Can Be Stored in Fridge?

When it comes to keeping curd fresh, here is what you have to remember- Get yourself clean. Put your curd in a tightly-sealed container. Keep it chill, like really cold, ideally below 5°C (that’s 41°F ). Now, if you do that, your curd can stay good for about two weeks. But, remember, so many other things can also play an important role in it. Like how clean your container is, how airtight the container is sealed and how the temperature is around it, etc. So, keep all these things in mind, and you are good to go!

Fresh, Sweet Curd:3-5 days
Sour Curd:7-14 days

How Many Days Can Curd Be Stored Without a Fridge?

On an average weather condition our room temperature usually stays around 25°C (or 77°F). If you keep your curd out of the fridge at room temperature it doesn’t stay fresh for a long time and it can spoil quickly. So it is not at all a good idea to keep the curd out of the fridge for too long. But if you really need to do that, then not to worry, the fresh curd may stay good for about 24-48 hours at room temperature.

Remember, if you eat some curd that has been kept outside the fridge for a long time, there may be a great chance that it has already gone bad. And that can make you sick. So, it is better to keep curd in the fridge whenever you can. That way, it stays safe to eat for a longer time.

Factors Affecting Shelf Life of Curd in the Fridge

Even if you keep the curd in the fridge, there are different things that can affect how long your curd stays fresh.

First up, the change in temperature matters. Every time you open and close the fridge door, the temperature inside fluctuates. This up-and-down can make your curd spoil faster, so try to minimize how often you open the door.

Also, where you place your curd in the fridge counts. The back shelves are the coolest spots, so that’s where you want to keep it. Avoid putting it in the door since that area tends to have more ups and downs in temperature.

Another thing to watch out for is contamination. If you are using a spoon or dip into the curd after eating with it other stuff , that can bring in the bacteria.

Lastly, leftover curd can cause problems too. Putting it back in the main container can introduce bacteria. It’s better to store leftovers in a separate container to keep your curd fresh for longer.

Tips for Maximizing Curd Shelf Life

  1. Always start with fresh curd. Make sure it’s of good quality if you want to keep it for a while. 
  2. If the curd you bought is still warm, let it cool down before you put it in the fridge. It needs to be completely cool to keep well. 
  3. Once it’s cooled, transfer it to a clean, tight-sealing container. This could be right after you buy it or after you make it at home. 
  4. When you need some curd, always use a clean spoon to take out what you need. 
  5. After that, close the container tightly to keep the rest fresh. Keep your curd in the back of the fridge. That is the coldest spot in the fridge and your curd will stay fresher there. 
  6. If you want you can label the container with the date you bought or made the curd. This helps you keep track of how long it’s been in there. 
  7. Also, try to keep your curd away from strong-smelling foods like onions or garlic. It can take on their smell, and that’s not tasty!

Got some leftover curd? You can make some refreshing raitas or delicious dips with it.

  • You can mix curd into your curry dishes to give them a nice creamy flavor to it.
  • Ever tried making kadhi? It’s a yummy curry made with curd and gram flour, spiced up with herbs.
  • Got some leftover curd? You can make some refreshing raitas or delicious dips with it.
  • It is a good alternative for buttermilk in baking recipes if you want to keep it healthy.
  • And also mix curd with fruits and granola for breakfast that makes it not just delicious but also nutritious.

Curd Container for Fridge Storage

When it comes to storing curd, it’s important to pick a clean, airtight container. Don’t use the container it came in, because it might not seal well. Glass containers are great for this since they don’t hold onto germs like other materials might. Consider using small boxes when you store curd in a big amount of curd. This helps keep air out and your curd fresh for longer.

How to Store Curd Without a Fridge (In an Emergency)

Though it is highly recommended to keep the curd in the fridge to make it stay fresh, sometimes there are situations when you do not have access to any fridge. Here are some ways you can store curd without the refrigerator. But remember you sill follow these steps when there is no other option available.

First off, if you have access to an earthenware pot, like those traditional matkas we use in India, that’s great. These pots are made of clay, which lets a bit of water evaporate, keeping things cool and moist. But before that you clean the pot really well and let it dry in the sun before using it.

best container to store curd
Photo Credit:

Another option is to immerse the curd container in cold water. This can help maintain a cool temperature, but it’s not ideal for long-term storage. Remember to change the water in a regular interval to keep it cool.

In some places, people hang curd in muslin cloth bags to let excess liquid drain out. While this can help extend the shelf life a bit, it’s important to keep an eye on it for any signs of spoilage.

And always remember, if you’re storing curd without a fridge, try to use it up within 24-48 hours, and make sure it’s fresh before eating it. Check for any signs of spoilage before digging in.

Signs That Your Curd Has Spoiled

It is really crucial to know when your curd has gone bad or at least has started spoiling.

  • if it smells weird, like more sour than usual. Then it has probably gone bad.
  • Next, check its texture. If it looks watery, slimy, or grainy, it is a sign of spoilage.
  • If you notice there is any mold, growing on it, then you definitely should not eat it.
  • Lastly, taste the curd a bit. Though the curd tastes tangy naturally. But if its taste is too sour or bitter, then the curd is not good anymore. It is best to throw it out.

Remember, if you spot any of these signs in your curd, it is better to get rid of the curd to avoid getting sick from it.

Spoiled curd
Photo Credit:


In the end, it is all about knowing what affects how long your curd (dahi) lasts. And also applying these easy tricks how you can keep it fresh and tasty. Keep in mind, storing it right doesn’t just make it last longer, but also keeps it safe to eat. So, make the most of the goodness of curd by storing it smartly and savoring every bit of it! Good luck and stay healthy.


What Type of Curd Container For Fridge We Should Use

Any closed, airtight container, preferably glass or food-grade plastic, should be used to store curd. Place that container in the back of the fridge where it is coolest. Just make sure the container is thoroughly cleaned and dried before storing curd.

What Containers Should be AVOIDED for Storing Curd

Metal containers: Metal containers, like brass, copper, and bronze, can react with the acidic nature of curd and affect its taste. Additionally, some metals may leach harmful substances into the curd, making it unsafe for consumption.

Open or uncovered containers: Storing curd in open or uncovered containers exposes it to air, which can lead to moisture loss and contamination from airborne bacteria and odors.

Containers with previous strong odors: Avoid using containers that previously held strong-smelling or pungent foods as they can transfer odors and affect the flavor of the curd.

Is It Good Idea, Putting Curd in An Earthen Pot or Matka. Is There Any Advantages?

Earthen Pot or Matka

Yes, Definitely! Storing curd in an earthen pot or matka is a traditional method that has been practiced for a long time. It can be a good way to store curd and can offer certain benefits. Here’s why:

Natural insulation: Earthen pots and matkas have natural insulation properties. They can help maintain a cooler temperature inside the pot, which can slow down the growth of bacteria and preserve the curd for a longer period.

Breathability: Earthenware is porous, allowing air circulation through the pot. This can help regulate the moisture content and prevent excessive condensation, which can negatively impact the curd’s texture and flavor.

Flavor enhancement: Some people believe that storing curd in an earthen pot or matka enhances its flavor. The clay can impart a unique earthy taste to the curd, which is preferred by many.

What Things to Consider Before Using Matkaas or Any Eathen Pots to Store Curd

Cleanliness: Ensure that the earthen pot or matka is thoroughly cleaned before using it to store curd. This helps prevent the growth of harmful bacteria or mold.

Proper sealing: Check that the pot or matka has a proper lid or cover to create an airtight seal. This helps maintain the curd’s freshness and prevents contamination.

Hygiene: Take precautions to maintain good hygiene. Earthen pots or matkas need to be cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria and maintain food safety.

So, storing curd in an earthen pot or matka can be a good option, as long as proper hygiene is maintained. It can help keep the curd cool and offer unique flavor characteristics.

Can we store curd in plastic container?

Yes, we can use the plastic container for storing curd. But we will need to make sure the container must be of good quality plastic. It should be fresh, not used for hot food before. The plastic container should be cleaned and dried well before storing curd.


  1. How long can you keep dairy products like yogurt, milk, and cheese in the refrigerator? –
  2. How To Store Curd For Better Shelf Life –
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