Eating Curd at Night is Good or Bad? Discover Pros & Cons and Best Time

Can we eat curd at night? Find whether eating curd at night is good or bad. Learn the Benefits, Disadvantage and Best Time of Eating Curd “scientifically”.

Eating Curd at Night is Good or Bad
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Ah, curd – the creamy, tangy delight enjoyed across India and beyond. But when it comes to nighttime consumption, opinions diverge. Some swear by its soothing properties, while others raise eyebrows in disapproval. So, what’s the truth? Is eating curd at night a healthy habit or a recipe for trouble? Let’s delve into the pros and cons, separating fact from fiction, science and tradition to find out.

Nutritional Content of Curd:

Before delving into the debate, it is essential to understand the nutritional composition of curd. Curd is a dairy product rich in several nutrients, including proteins, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B12, and probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that contribute to a healthy gut flora, promoting digestive health.

You may also read: How Many Days Curd Can Be Stored in Fridge? 5 Best Way to store curd

Is It Good to Eat Curd At Night?

Curd boasts a wealth of health benefits, making it a valuable addition to any diet. Here’s why you might want to consider including it in your nighttime routine:

  • Probiotic Powerhouse: Curd is teeming with live bacteria, known as probiotics. These friendly microbes aid digestion, boost immunity, and even improve mood. Their nighttime activity can help maintain a healthy gut environment, promoting overall well-being.
  • Calcium Kick: Curd is rich in calcium, essential for strong bones and teeth. Consuming it at night can help optimize calcium absorption, especially for those with lactose intolerance who struggle to absorb calcium from milk.
  • Cooling Comfort: During hot Indian summers, a bowl of chilled curd can be a refreshing respite. Its cooling properties can aid digestion and even help you doze off on a sweltering night.
  • Sleep-Inducing Magic: Curd contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with relaxation and sleep. Having a small bowl of curd before bed can promote calmness and prepare your body for restful slumber.
  • Digestive Delight: Curd can actually aid digestion at night. The probiotics break down food efficiently, preventing bloating and discomfort. Additionally, the coolness of curd can soothe an irritated stomach.
  • Ayurvedic Perspective: Contrary to popular belief, Ayurveda doesn’t strictly forbid curd at night. While it emphasizes Kapha balancing, curd with a pinch of black pepper is considered warming and suitable for nighttime consumption, especially in warmer climates.

Why We Should Not Eat Curd at Night

Whether or not you should skip the nighttime curd depends on two things: your personal experience and digestion, and what you believe about Ayurveda, an ancient Indian healing system.

Disadvantages of eating curd at night


Digestive Discomfort: Curd has dairy sugars and protein, which can be harder to digest when your body is slowing down for sleep. This might lead to bloating or discomfort. For some individuals, the protein and fat content in curd can be difficult to digest at night, leading to bloating, gas, or heartburn. If you already have digestive issues like acidity, it’s best to listen to your body and avoid bedtime curd. it’s best to proceed with caution or opt for lighter alternatives like buttermilk.

Lactose: If you’re lactose intolerant, even small amounts of curd can cause stomach upset. Skip it at night to avoid a restless sleep.

Sleep Disruption: The cooling effect of curd can sometimes act as a stimulant for some individuals, especially if consumed close to bedtime. This can lead to difficulty falling asleep or restless sleep.


  • Doshas: This system believes in three “doshas,” energies in the body. At night, “kapha” is naturally high, and curd is considered “kapha-increasing.” Ayurveda suggests kapha imbalance leads to excess mucus, so nighttime curd is discouraged, especially for those prone to cough, cold, or asthma.
  • Mucus Matters: According to Ayurveda, an ancient Indian medical system, curd has properties that can increase mucus production. This might be problematic for people prone to allergies, asthma, or cough and cold, as it can worsen congestion at night.

But wait! Not everyone needs to ditch the nighttime curd:

  • Digestive champs: If your tummy handles dairy well, you might be fine with curd anytime. Just listen to your body!
  • Mucus-free friends: If you’re not prone to mucus issues, curd shouldn’t be a problem at night.
  • Ayurveda adjustments: Some Ayurvedic practitioners recommend adding spices like ginger or black pepper to curd before nighttime, which can help balance kapha.

Ultimately, the best way to know if curd works for you at night is to listen to your body! If you experience any discomfort, skip it. But if you enjoy it and feel fine, go for it!

Remember, moderation is key. Whether it’s day or night, too much of anything, even good things like curd, can be hard to digest.

Benefits of Eating Curd at Night

Curd, that delicious, creamy treat, might also be a great bedtime buddy! Here’s how:

Belly buddies: Curd is full of good bacteria called probiotics, like tiny friends who help our tummies digest food smoothly. At night, when our insides are slowing down, these buddies can help things go even better, preventing bloating and keeping things moving.

Strong bones and sleepy smiles: Curd is packed with calcium, the stuff that makes our bones strong and our teeth happy. Eating it before bed gives our bodies all night to soak up this goodness, making us tougher and brighter in the morning.

Calm and restful: Some folks say curd has a cooling effect on the body, which can be super relaxing before sleep. It’s like a gentle lullaby for our insides, helping us drift off to dreamland faster and sleep more soundly.

Cool Calorie Count: Curd is generally low in calories, so you can enjoy a bowl without feeling like you swallowed a bowling ball before bed. Plus, it’s filling, so you won’t be tempted to raid the fridge at midnight.

Boosts Immunity: Probiotics don’t just help digestion, they also help fight off bad guys like germs and viruses. So, eating curd at night can be like training your body’s little soldiers while you snooze, making you super strong against those sniffles and sneezes.

But wait, there’s more! Curd might also boost your immune system, improve skin health, and even strengthen your hair. Pretty impressive for bedtime snack, right?

Best or Ideal Time for Eating Curd

While the benefits of curd are undeniable for everyone, the ideal time to consume it can vary slightly depending on age and individual factors. Here’s a breakdown:

For everyone:

  • Avoid bedtime: Eating curd too close to bedtime can disrupt sleep due to its cooling properties and potential for causing indigestion. It’s best to leave at least 2-3 hours between your last curd serving and sleep.
  • Moderation is key: Regardless of the time, enjoy curd in moderation. Overconsumption can lead to bloating and acidity.


  • Lunchtime: Men can benefit from curd’s probiotic content for improved digestion, especially after a heavy lunch. The probiotics help break down food and reduce bloating.
  • Pre-workout snack: Curd’s protein and calcium content can provide a pre-workout energy boost and support muscle recovery.


  • Morning or afternoon: Consuming curd during the day can aid digestion and boost metabolism, which can be helpful for weight management. Studies suggest curd eaten before meals can improve gut health and reduce inflammation.


  • Mid-morning or afternoon snack: Curd’s calcium and probiotics are crucial for children’s bone development and gut health. Including it as a mid-morning or afternoon snack ensures they get these essential nutrients.
  • Mix it up: Make curd more appealing to children by adding fruits, honey, or nuts for a delicious and nutritious treat.

Additional factors:

  • Climate: In colder climates, consuming curd during the day with warming spices like ginger or black pepper can help balance its cooling effect.
  • Digestive issues: If you have sensitive digestion, it’s best to start with small amounts of curd and gradually increase intake. Consider consuming it with meals or choosing milder varieties.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the curd-at-night question. Experiment, listen to your body, and find what works best for you. After all, a happy gut and a good night’s sleep are the ultimate recipe for well-being.

Bonus Tip: Craving a nighttime treat? Whip up a delicious and healthy smoothie with curd, banana, and honey. It’s packed with probiotics, potassium, and natural sweetness – the perfect way to end your day on a nourishing note.

So, the next time you reach for that bowl of curd before bed, do it with awareness and intention. Embrace its potential benefits while acknowledging its potential drawbacks. With a little mindful indulgence, you can turn this creamy conundrum into a source of nourishment and well-being, night or day. Enjoy your curd!

Please Note:

  • This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.
  • The information presented here is based on a combination of scientific research and traditional Ayurvedic principles. While there is some evidence to support both sides of the curd-at-night debate more research is needed to definitively conclude whether it’s universally beneficial or harmful. However, by understanding the potential benefits and drawbacks, we can make informed choices about how to incorporate curd into our nighttime routine.

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