Last Minute Things You Forget to Pack – 18 Travel Checklist 2023

The last minute packing checklist is a lifesaver in most of the cases. Sometimes, despite thinking we’re all set, the rush and excitement of leaving for a trip can make us forget things. It happens often – about half the time when traveling by flight, train, or bus.

Last Minute Things You Forget to Pack

Planning a long holiday? Fantastic! Here are last minute things you forget to pack

The anticipation of sun-soaked beaches, exotic destinations, and endless relaxation can make anyone excited with joy. The thought of leaving behind your responsibilities and escaping to a paradise of relaxation and adventure is simply exhilarating. But hold on a minute, my fellow traveler! There are always few last minute things you forget to pack. To ensure a smooth and stress-free vacation, we’ve compiled a list of 17 Last Minute Packing list of essential things you should never forget before you head out the door. So, grab a pen and get ready to check off these must-have items from your packing list! Trust me, you’ll thank me later

17 Last Minute Packing Checklist: Tickets & Travel Documents

1. Tickets & Travel Documents:

First and foremost in the last minute packing list is ticket, make sure you have taken the tickets. Gather all your travel documents in one secure place. This includes Aadhar cards or any other ID cards of all members, your driver’s license, necessary medical or insurance documents, hotel’s reservation documents. If possible, make extra copies of the tickets and put them in your friends or any near one. In case of emergency, that will be used as proof.

If you are about to travel out of the country, make sure you have taken and put your passport and visa, along with other necessary documents in a safe place which can also be accessible easily. Do not keep them in a luggage. always carry them in your hand bag. Add this to you international travel checklist as well.

2. Itinerary and Reservations:

Print or save electronic copies of your travel itinerary, train or flight tickets, hotel reservations, rental car details, and any pre-booked activities. Having all this information easily accessible will make your journey smoother. Put all the electronic copies of the document in your email too, so that you can always access and download them from any time any place.

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3. Clothes & Underwear: (Yes, You heard me right!):

Don’t let your adventurous spirit go commando. Keep things covered—no one wants to see your laundry day choices! It’s wise to pack some more clothes. Your vacation pictures will be less embarrassing that way, and you won’t end up in a hilarious “Tourist Arrested for Indecent Exposure” headline. Research the weather at your destination during your travel dates and pack suitable clothing. Don’t forget essentials like swimwear, hats, and sunglasses. Consider any specific clothing requirements for cultural or religious sites you plan to visit.

4. Money (and a Plan B):

Forgetting your wallet is like voluntarily entering a comedy show without tickets. Make sure to bring enough cash and have a backup plan, because ATMs may not be available in every place, specially in an interior area. Also, if you are planning to travel abroad, make sure you have enough local currency. Must carry a internationally valid ATM and credit card with you. That will always help your sleep at night.

17 Last Minute Packing Checklist: Chargers and Gadgets

5. Chargers and Gadgets:

Just imagine you’re in a breathtaking location, ready to capture the perfect selfie, only to discover that your phone is as lifeless as a deflated balloon. Remember your chargers and gadgets, so you don’t have to resort to sketching pictures on a napkin. I faced similar experience in Assam. Having big DSLR in my hand, but with no battery :-(. Additionally, don’t forget power adapters or converters if you’re traveling to a country with different electrical outlets.

6. Camera:

Though everybody is a ‘cameraman’ (or cameraperson) while he/she has a mobile phone. But a DSLR or at least digital camera does it’s own job. Capture those epic moments, embarrassing selfies, and accidental photobombs. Trust me, you’ll want evidence of that time you danced with a flamingo in Bermuda shorts. If you are carrying DSLR, do not forget to take two different lenses (one wide and other zoom) or at least one multi purpose lens.

7. Snacks (Emergency Rations):

The one of the main things you forget to take on holiday, is some snacks. It’s always a good idea to have some emergency snacks, just in case you find yourself trapped in a desolate desert or a barren airport terminal. Trust me, those granola bars will be your lifeline! Having some snacks on hand can be a lifesaver during long flights or road trips. Pack non-perishable snacks like granola bars, nuts, or dried fruit. Don’t forget to bring a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated and reduce plastic waste.

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8. Toiletries (No, not the Hotel Shampoo):

Forgetting toothpaste and deodorant can lead to awkward conversations and a solo dance party on the outskirts of civilization. Pack your toiletries, because nobody wants to smell like a yeti on vacation. Pack travel-sized toiletries, including toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, shaving set for men and any other personal care items you require. Don’t forget items like sunscreen, insect repellent, and basic medication for headaches or stomach upsets.

17 Last Minute Packing Checklist: Medications to avoid for Dramatic Effect

9. Medications (Not Just for Dramatic Effect):

Unless you want to star in your own medical drama series, remember to pack your medications. You don’t want your vacation to turn into an episode of “Holidays Gone Wrong: The Tale of the Forgotten Pills.” If you take prescription medications, ensure you have an ample supply for the duration of your trip. Pack any necessary over-the-counter medications, first aid supplies, and any personal health items you may require. If aged persons are traveling with, dont forget to take antacids, prescribed diabetes and blood pressure medicines. Also research the availability of medical facilities at your destination.

10. Travel Insurance (Expecting the Unexpected):

We all love unexpected surprises, but not when they involve hospital bills or lost luggage. Don’t leave home without travel insurance! It provides essential coverage for medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost luggage, and more. Compare different insurance options and select a policy that suits your needs and provides peace of mind during your vacation. Just don’t expect it to cover damages from your dance moves at the beach party.

11. Inform a Trusted Friend (and Prank Them Too!):

It’s always wise to inform a trusted friend about your travel plans. And while you’re at it, play a prank on them by sending them random postcards from imaginary locations. Laughter is the best way to ensure they won’t forget you! Also on the serious note, if possible, put all the copies of the journey and travel related documents to them. You may send the electronic version of the documents to their mail. In case of any emergency or worst case, they could take the control of the situation.

17 Last Minute Packing Checklist: Pets Need Vacations Too

12. Pets (They Need Vacations Too):

Don’t leave your pets behind to plot revenge while you’re away. Make proper arrangements for their care, or else you might come home to a house redecorated with chewed-up furniture and mysterious furballs.

13. Lock the House (No Open-Door Policy):

It is one of the most important things to do before leaving house for vacation, locking windows. Remember to lock all doors and windows before leaving. Unless you want to return to a living room occupied by a herd of neighborhood squirrels, secure your castle and keep the furry invaders at bay. Before you leave, secure your home. set up timers for lights, and ask a trusted neighbor or friend to keep an eye on your property.

14. Set Timers for Lights (Party Mode Activated):

Avoid burglars who mistake your dark, vacant house for a haunted mansion by setting timers for lights. Let your house throw a disco party for itself while you’re away—just make sure the neighbors don’t report a noisy rave.

15. Pause Deliveries (No Unwanted Guests):

Pause newspaper and mail deliveries unless you want your front yard to resemble a paper-marchent art installation or your mailbox to transform into a mountain of bills. Consider pausing mail and newspaper deliveries, or have someone collect them regularly.

17 Last Minute Packing Checklist: Double-Check Appliances

16. Double-Check Appliances (The Great Power Surge):

Ensure you’ve turned off all appliances. Otherwise, you might come home to a technologically advanced house where the toaster rules as the supreme overlord and the blender creates tornadoes in the kitchen.

17. Extra Bags or Luggage:

Leave some extra space in your luggage or bring foldable bags. They can be useful for shopping, storing dirty laundry, or as an additional carry-on for souvenirs. Plus, they come in handy if you exceed the baggage weight limit on your return journey.

18. Sense of Adventure (The Ultimate Must-Have):

Last but not least, pack your sense of adventure! Leave behind your worries, embrace spontaneity, and let the vacation unfold with hilarious surprises. Remember, laughter is the best travel companion!

17 Last Minute Packing Checklist: Fun with family


As you embark on your long-awaited holiday, keep in mind this last minute holiday checklist before going on vacation. With your passport, clothes (yes, clothes!), chargers, emergency snacks, and a dollop of laughter, you’ll be well-prepared for the adventure ahead. Just remember, even if you forget a thing or two, it’ll probably result in a hilarious vacation story to share with friends and family. So, get ready to create memories, laugh until your belly hurts, and make your long holiday an unforgettable experience! Safe travels, happy adventures, and may laughter be your constant companion!

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Some Commonly Asked Question

Is it good to pack last minute?

You should not start packing very early. Because the earlier you pack, the greater the chances you’ll pack something you’ll need to use again before you leave – which means you’ll have to unpack your bag and then repack. And probably more than once. Again, in case of packing last minute, you may end up missing some essential things. So start packing one or two days earlier.

How do you pack small items?

To ensure the safety of fragile items, it’s essential to wrap them in bubble wrap or wrapping paper. Begin by placing larger and heavier objects at the bottom of your packing boxes, and then layer lighter items on top. When using small boxes, reserve them for heavier objects such as books, magazines, dishes, canned goods, and household chemicals. It’s recommended to pre-wrap the dishes with wrapping paper to provide extra protection during the move.

What is the 5 4 3 2 1 packing last minute method?

Do the clothing countdown: If you need a mantra to help streamline your wardrobe, use the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 rule for a week-long trip: Limit yourself to no more than ‘five’ sets of socks and underwear, ‘four’ tops, ‘three’ bottoms, ‘two’ pairs of shoes and ‘one’ hat. The list should be adjusted to suit your needs.

What do you forget most when packing?

There are few most forgotten items when you start traveling. Here is pre travel checklist for you
– Phone charger. This is first on the list for a reason — because it’s SO easy to forget!
– laptop charger.
– Luggage tags and locks.
– First-aid kit.
– Prescription medication.
– Glasses and contact lenses.
– Umbrella and raincoat.

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